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Window or Mirror: CHERUB Book Three


Hi, recently I finished the third book in a book series called CHERUB. Today I am going to be talking about this book, and about whether it is a window or a mirror.

In case you were wondering, a window is when you don’t connect to the book, for example of the main character was a superhero, and you were a middle-schooler, that part of the book would be a window. A mirror is when the book is similar, or has an aspect of your life. For example, if the plot of the book was a kid trying to handle recently moving, and you were too, that part of the book would be a mirror.

Okay, now that we know what a window and mirror are, let’s talk about whether CHERUB book three is a window or a mirror for me.

The main character in this book is thirteen year boy. I am eleven, and I am a boy. That’s some of the only similarities between my life and the book. The main character is a spy for British government, and has stopped a group from killing hundreds of people, helped catch a drug dealer, and in this book he helped capture The United States of America’s second most wanted person. I have not done any of those things.

In this book, the main character goes to Arizona on a mission, I have gone to Arizona before, but that was for a camp. The main character also has a sister, so do I.

The main character lives in England, I live in the United State of America.


I think this is an amazing book, and you should’ve read the whole series, though.

For me, this book is mostly a window, though it does have a bit of a mirror in it.


If you like a book with a lot of action and suspense, that also has a little bit of romance in it, you should definitely read this book!


In the comments, you can put what book you read or are reading, and whether it is a mirror or window for YOU.

I hope you liked this blog post!





Published in6th Grade

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